

Newsletter August 2023

Published 10 months ago • 2 min read

Arlette Chatlein

Coach & Mentor

RAFTing towards smoother Transitions

Hi Reader,

I am writing to you in the midst of sorting and packing up our belongings before the first movers arrive.

Like many expats around the world, this year, August is the transition month for me and my family.

As my husband already moved to São Paulo last year, this moved whas already been in the books for more than 1 year.

And it’s a very different move compared to the last one for so many reasons, the main one being that our daughter will not be moving with us.

We are sad she won’t be with us and at the same time so happy for her to be embarking on this new stage in her life.


It is a logistical challenge to organize the different physical moves but I feel ready because I’m maneuvering the waves and tides on my RAFT.

No, I’m not talking about a vessel but about The RAFT model, devised by David E. Pollock and Ruth E. Van Reken. It’s a practical framework for handling the ups and downs of international transitions.

RAFT stands for Reconciliation, Affirmation, Farewell, and Think Destination, which represent the four critical stages of successful adaptation.

The first time I used the RAFT model to prepare for my transition was 2 years ago when we moved from Milan to Hannover. I went through each stage as the framework intended. I made my amends, I acknowledged the way the years in Milano had changed me, I said my farewells to people and places and I slowly started exploring Hannover and it’s possibilities for me.

This time around my RAFT was built differently. I have been Thinking Destination for almost a year now, visiting São Paulo often, exploring the city and its many possibilities on a personal and professional level but most important for me, I have already started building a network of really great people I can’t wait to spend more time with!

For the past months I have been busy with the other components of my RAFT and I realized that even though I didn’t build it in the same order as last time it is giving me the tools to enhance my adaptability and resilience in the face of change!

I share my view on the RAFT model in this month’s blog.

Build a RAFT to Navigate Transition

Are you ready to start building your RAFT and create authentic connections in the process? Don’t hesitate to reach out!

Book a Clarity Session and walk away with an customised action plan.

Click here to book a session

Now I'm off to do more sorting and packing! See you in September!



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